Managing your finances likely isn't the most exciting task on your to-do list, but it's crucial if you want to reach all your financial goals and set yourself up for long-term success.
With all the media buzz about guardians stealing money from those whom they are meant to protect and overall financial abuse issues involving seniors, it’s a good moment to revisit how surrogate decision-making works.
“Don't panic” has been a common refrain from government leaders, public health professionals, and across social media from well-meaning people trying to keep everyone calm during the coronavirus pandemic.
A power of attorney names a person who can act on your behalf. This person is called your “agent” or “attorney-in-fact.” Before you create a power of attorney, you should know your options and which ones your home state allows.
Elder law issues can be complex. One wrong word or move can mean the difference between a good result and disaster should you become incapacitated or if other unexpected issues should occur in your senior years. An elder law attorney can help you plan for what will happen, if you should become mentally or physically incapable of taking care of yourself and your own personal business matters.
George Michael's late younger sister Melanie Panayiotou's share of the massive fortune she inherited from her legendary brother will be donated to charity, keeping in tune with the singer's generosity during his lifetime.
Running and owning a business is just like raising a child: Both are investments in the future and both require a lot of time, resources and effort to raise successfully.