The Dangers of “Do It Yourself “Estate Planning
The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning The Dangers of "Do It Yourself "Estate Planning. While it may be tempting to save some money and plan your estate by yourself, it is likely not a good idea. Estate Planning is full…
Springing vs. Durable Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference?
Springing vs. Durable Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference? A power of attorney (POA) document legally enables a person (called the “principal”) to appoint a trusted relative or friend (called the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) to handle specific health care decisions…
Avoid Disagreements Between Your Power of Attorney Holder and Health Care Proxy
Avoid Disagreements Between Your Power of Attorney Holder and Health Care Proxy A durable power of attorney and a health care proxy are two important but different estate planning documents. Both allow other people to make decisions for you in…
Elder Orphans. What Happens If An Elderly Person Has No One To Take Care Of Them?
What Happens If An Elderly Person Has No One To Care Of Them? It’s a heartbreaking situation, but one that a subset of older adults will face. They’ve reached their senior years, but they have no family to take care…
How to Handle Sibling Disputes Over a Power of Attorney
How to Handle Sibling Disputes Over a Power of Attorney A power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents, but when one sibling is named in a power of attorney, there is the potential for disputes…
Things to Know About a Qualified Income Trust
Things to Know About a Qualified Income Trust An estimated 58% of men and 79% of women aged 65 and older will need long-term care at some point in their lives. Long-term care is costly. The average cost of a private nursing home…
What is the Process to Declare Someone Incapacitated or Incompetent in Florida?
What is the Process to Declare Someone Incapacitated or Incompetent in Florida? The process for declaring someone incompetent or incapacitated begins with filing a Petition to Determine Incapacity with the court (Fla.Stat. §744.331(1)). The Court will then appoint an examining committee…
Why do Millennials need estate planning?
Estate Planning for Millennials. Get on top of your estate planning, so you can get on with your life. If you are a Millennial in your twenties or thirties, you may be wondering why you need an estate plan in…
What Are the Duties for Financial Powers of Attorney?
What Are the Duties for Financial Powers of Attorney? I just got appointed agent under a financial power of attorney. What do I need to do next? by: Jeffrey Gaffney Has a loved one named you their financial power of attorney?…