The distribution of some of our assets can be governed by contracts. Examples of these contracts include life insurance, investment accounts, bank accounts and trusts.
My daughter, my only child, recently married a nice man. However, he is not responsible with his finances. I don’t want my son-in-law to have any access to her money or through a divorce via equitable distribution.
As family members age and require care, the burden of that care often falls on an adult child. For those that leave jobs to care for family members, it can become a financial hardship for the family.
If family members are anxious about each other, sometimes it seems it might be easier if they simply joined households. This is not just due to COVID-19.
So, you’ve decided that a family member won’t be getting an inheritance, after all. Maybe you have an ungrateful or irresponsible family member you want to cut out of the will.