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How Does Family Pay for Parents’ Care?

More than 53 million Americans are unpaid caregivers for family members. The majority are women—often, an adult daughter who lives closest to an aging parent starts out helping with daily activities. As the parent/care recipient requires more assistance, the daughter cuts back on work hours– risking her own financial security.
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How Should I Go about Researching Assisted Living Facilities?

Your aging mom is finding it harder to do the laundry or cook dinner. Dad is more forgetful, and he really shouldn’t be raking the leaves out in the front yard anymore. The time is coming when your parents are going to need help with daily living. That means you need to start looking for the right place for them to live.
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What’s the Difference Between Nursing Homes and Assisted Living?

The time may come when your elderly mother, father or other loved one cannot fully care for himself or herself. The adult children may not have the time or resources to ensure their relative’s health and safety. At that point, it may be time for him or her to move into a residential facility that can provide the care and services needed.
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