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Execute this will before the child is born: While you can still execute a will after your child is born, you likely have a hundred other things to do, and doing them with two hours less sleep. Get the will done before you give birth.
2. You are thinking about divorce.
Executing the will before you commence the divorce ensures that your spouse will not receive all of your money if you die before the divorce is complete.
3. You have gotten divorced.
4. Your child gets married.
Create this will immediately after your child gets married, since (a) the marriage may never happen, and (b) if you do happen to die before the marriage, anything you leave your child is not considered marital assets in most states.
5. Your beneficiary develops creditor or substance abuse problems.
6. Your named executors or beneficiaries die.
If your estate plan named individual people to manage your estate or receive any remaining funds and those people are no longer alive you may have to update your will. Your old will may name contingency plans or leave undistributed funds to the deceased person’s children, but you may want to re-evaluate this decision.
7. Your young family member becomes a responsible adult.
Your old will likely named your spouse or parent as your first executor, then perhaps your sibling or a friend. Now everyone is three or more decades older (or deceased), and your younger family member may be up to the task of handling your estate affairs more expediently than your past choices.
Don’t rush to this decision: While some older individuals don’t have too many good choices over younger trusted friends or family members, making a rushed choice may affect several people.
8. New legislation is passed.
Make sure to ask your attorney every few years if there have been any new laws that are relevant to your estate planning.
9. You come into a windfall of money.
If you finally get that huge payday from the scratch-off ticket you bought, or inherit money, consider updating your will so you can ensure proper tax planning. For example, you may want to start gifting money to younger family members’ 529 college savings plans, or create a donor advised fund to both shield some money from taxes and leave a nice legacy to a cause you believe in. Also, you may want to reconsider when and how much money you are leaving to certain people or charities.
10. You can’t find your original will.
Wills are the product of hundreds of years of Anglo-American jurisprudence. Think parchment and barristers wearing powder and wigs. A formal, original will matters, and photocopies are very difficult to validate. If you can’t find your will, or if you agreed to have your attorney hold onto your original will and now don’t want to deal with him or her, make sure you replace that will with a new, original one that explicitly states it invalidated all prior wills. Do this as soon as possible.
12. Your family and friends become enemies.
Few things can derail your planning more than parties who don’t get along. The problems with animosity between parties in your will are compounded when one party is your family and the other is your friend. Only your nearest family members can easily fight your will, since your “next-of-kin” are required parties to your probate (even if you fully disinherit them), while your friends have no default rights.
If you think your family will try to take a legal right hook to your best friend’s bequest in your will, consider adding a No Contest Clause that will serve to disinherit the aggressive family member if he tries to attack your friend.
Read more related articles at:
When Should You Redo Your Will?
8 Reasons You May Need to Update Your Will
Also, Read one of our previous Blogs at:
Click here for a short informative video from our own Attorney Bill O’Leary.