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The High Cost of Medicare Mistakes

She recently enrolled in traditional (Parts A, B, and D) Medicare and was hit with huge Part B and Part D monthly premiums. She had no idea why it was so high. After many letters, calls, and meetings with Social Security, she still had no idea.
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Extra Social Security Benefits for Divorced People

While it's not the best idea to expect your benefits alone to support you in retirement (after all, Social Security is only designed to replace around 40% of your pre-retirement income), some retirees have no other option but to depend on their monthly checks to cover the majority of their expenses.
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When Do I Need an Elder Law Attorney?

Elder law issues can be complex. One wrong word or move can mean the difference between a good result and disaster should you become incapacitated or if other unexpected issues should occur in your senior years. An elder law attorney can help you plan for what will happen, if you should become mentally or physically incapable of taking care of yourself and your own personal business matters.
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